We had planned going out 14-15 April for weeks, however looking at the forecast the night before, I was ready to quit even before we began. A huge storm, a Nor'Easter was swinging in and the whole east coast was bracing for a wintery mix of rain, sleet and snow. I called Jeremiah hoping he would back out, but he didn't.
Saturday morning I packed up my gear and drove out Rt 66. There was no traffic that morning and the road was just to tempting so I unleashed the Grey Ghost...I dont want to incriminate myself so lets just say...110 and I could have gone faster...guess I'm just chicken. But seriously, I'm safe so don't worry about me and my baby.
Met Jeremiah and his coworker, Robert near Front Royal and we dropped Jeremiah's car off near some trail head...They piled into the Mustang and Jeremiah took us on some crazy backroads as we headed north towards RT 50. At one point we went over Morgan's Ford a crazy concrete bridge barely above water level...Very scary. I know, "Morgan's Ford in Morgan's Ford" It felt like something from the Dukes of Hazard...The Morgan Boy's terrorize Northern Virginia!
We made it to Snickers Gap in no time. The trail head was hard to find and we drove right past it. After U-turn that scraped the undercarriage we finally found a parking spot and started getting our gear out. Weather was not rainy, but it was overcast and we knew it would only be a matter of time. We donned our backpacks and traipsed down the trail, full of high spirits and joking with each other. Little did we know what 24 hrs had in store for us. We quickly crossed Rt 50 and attacked the first mountain to the south. I don't know about those two, but my lack of conditioning had my heart racing and I soon was gasping for breath, within 10 minutes. Robert surged ahead leaving Jeremiah and I trudging up the mountain in his wake.
It soon began to sleet and we all put our rain gear on. Both of those guys laughed at my green Poncho and said I wouldn't get any style points. My Green Poncho kept me dry for the rest of the day.