Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Bullfrog: 6th Leg Coming Up

This weekend Rhino and Bullfrog are back to the Trail as we continue or journey through the Shenandoah National Park. Last time Rhino survived his first encounter with a bear (we had passed him before we had noticed him about 20-30 feet off of the Trail). It was not nearly as grueling as trying to keep Son of Rhino motivated. It's difficult enough keeping oneself motivated, but it is especially emotionally draining to have to encourage someone else just to keep moving their feet.

Anyway, it looks like it will be just 2 of us for about 18 miles. We'll be picking it up about the middle of the central district and going to the bottom, around Route 33. We hope to head out there early Friday night to get a decent start on Saturday. Trying to go even lighter this time ... particularly you, Rhino! Maybe you should use your new "North Face" pack.

I haven't done much physically since the last hike three weeks ago. The first week I was recovering from the flu or strep or TB or halitosis or something. The other two weeks ... I don't know other than that I've been overly busy. I'll get some exercise this weekend!

Off to home and packing my backpack.

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